Couples fitness ideas: Part I

One of the best ways for couples to stay fit is to exercise together.
It’s a way couples can motivate one another, while also spending good quality time together.
There are lots of ways couples can stay fit.
In part one of our series on couples’ fitness, here are five ways you can stay fit together:
1 Set up a home gym – Build a home gym at your house and work out together. You can alternate sets on a fitness machine to push one another, or do separate workouts while being in the gym together.
2 Go golfing– This is a great, fun way to burn calories – especially if you walk – and have fun at the same time.
3 Play tennis – An awesome way to have fun in the sun and work together to get good at a sport. Once you get the hang of it, find another couple to play doubles with.
4 Go for a swim – Take a swim in the pool, or join a swim class together.
5 Go for a bike ride – Make a morning or afternoon of it, or if you’re really in good shape make a day of it, on a bicycle trip. There are countless beautiful, safe bike paths around our country. Go explore one the next chance you get.

At Home Fitness consultant Aaron Dorksen’s blog deals with a variety of fitness topics, ranging from workout tips, motivational ideas and feature stories on how exercise impacts people’s lives. E-mail him with comments, questions or ideas for future blogs at