Fact and fiction about water and your health

Water is the most basic building block of life. Our body weight is more than two-thirds water and 70.9 percent of the earth’s surface is covered in good old H2O.
We’ve all been told to drink lots of water to be healthy. But how much water should we drink? And how much H2Odo we get from other foods? What role does water really play in our body chemistry?
Let’s clear up some simple misconceptions about water.
* People should drink eight cups of water per day. Partly fiction
That figure is a myth that’s been readily passed on. Not everyone needs to drink eight glasses a day (equivalent to 64 ounces). It’s more of a guideline because certainly one size doesn’t fit all.
If you eat a good deal of fruit, vegetables and dairy, you are getting water from that, too, and might not need to drink a full eight glasses.
* Water can help you lose weight. True
A study conducted in 2010 by “Nutrition Today” showed a correlation between water intake and a lower body mass index. If you drink more water, you’re less likely to drink calorie-laden beverages such as soda pop or beer.
Water also regulates your metabolism so if you’re overweight chances are you may need more water.
* Water controls body chemistry. True
Water balances body temperature and helps bring insulin levels back to normal two hours earlier than if you drink something with calories.
It also helps to ensure adequate electrical functioning so your brain and nervous system function properly. Your brain and nervous system send out electrical signals to function properly.
* Most Americans drink enough water. False
Researchers estimate that half of the world’s population is chronically dehydrated. That level is actually higher in American – at 75 percent of the population. People would function a lot better for the reasons stated above if they’d drink more water.
On this note, drink H2O before you feel dehydrated!
* Drinking water can help reduce bodily pain. True
Blood is made up of more than 80 percent water and needs water to make healthy new blood cells. Bones are more than 50 percent water and also need water to make healthy new bone cells.
Thus, drinking more H2O actually helps lessen pain in your body by getting your lymphatic system moving. Water helps to eliminate waste from your body and also lubricates joints.

Every cell and organ in your body requires an adequate supply of water to function properly.
So, one of the quickest and easiest ways to improve your health is to start drinking more pure water every day.
Focus on drinking more water and you’ll likely notice an overall improve in the way you look and feel.

At Home Fitness consultant Aaron Dorksen’s blog deals with a variety of fitness topics, ranging from workout tips, motivational ideas and feature stories on how exercise impacts people’s lives. E-mail him with comments, questions or ideas for future blogs at aaron@athomefitness.com