Four Tips for a Better Treadmill Workout

If you are planning to workout on a treadmill, it is important for you to take a few steps in order to make certain you get the most out of your workout routine.  The reality is that treadmills are excellent pieces of workout equipment.  But, if you fail to use a treadmill properly, you may not get the results you have been hoping to achieve.  By following these tips, however, you get a great workout and will enjoy a better level of health.

Tip #1:  Avoid Distractions

It is easy to get distracted while working out on a treadmill.  While you may listen to music or watch television during your workout in order to help pass the time, they may be distracting you and causing you to slowdown during your workout.  If you are going to watch television, listen to music, or even read while working out, make certain it isn’t causing a distraction that is causing your workout to quality to deteriorate.

When working out at home with a home treadmill, you also need to watch out for household distractions.  Children and pets begging for your attention can cause you to cut your routine short or to take unnecessary breaks.  Try to carve out a period of time where you can workout without these distractions.

Tip #2:  Use the Incline Feature

Walking or running on a flat surface is better than sitting on the couch, but if you want to increase your cardio workout and improve the overall workout your legs and body receive, use the incline feature on your treadmill.  You don’t necessarily have to walk on an incline during the entire workout.  In fact, in order to keep the workout more interesting, you may want to set your treadmill to provide you with intervals of inclines and flat terrain.

Tip #3:  Avoid Leaning

Treadmills have hand rests on them, but these are not meant for use during a regular workout routine.  Rather, these rests are meant to provide you with something to grab for safety purposes.  Hanging onto the rails or leaning against the railings will reduce the amount of calories you burn because you will be taking body weight off of your legs.  If your workout is so intense that you feel you have to lean or to hang on, it is actually better to reduce your speed to a more comfortable level.

Tip #4:  Vary Your Routine

It is easy to get stuck in a routine, which can make your workout boring and can make it more difficult for you to find the motivation to exercise.  Vary your routine as much as possible, even if this means setting various intervals of intensity, in order to keep your routine more exciting while also getting your heart pumping and your muscles working.