Six tips to fight winter weight gain

The long winter is in full force with much of the country having already been blasted with snow and the temperatures dropping in some other regions.
Once colder temperatures arrive people naturally aren’t outside as much, and our bodies’ natural engineering to pack on extra weight in the winter kicks in as well.
“Your body may be working against you to hang on to it so you stay warm,” said Lawrence Cheskin, MD, founder of the Johns Hopkins Weight Management Center in Baltimore, told Prevention magazine.
Metabolisms slow way down and we often reach for prepackaged, high-fat snacks like chips, nuts and crackers instead of eating healthier summer snacks like fresh fruit and vegetables.
The winter weight gain problem runs deeper that even that, though. People get less sunlight, which can bring down their mood. To feel better, we turn ro comfort foods that are loaded with carbohydrates, fats and sugars.
Some doctors believe that we’re genetically programmed to gain weight when it gets chilly.
It can all add up to a little to a lot of weight gain.
To fight winter weight gain, here are six tips:
1. Exercise at least three times a week – Three days a week of exercise for at least 30 minutes will go a long way toward helping you fight off winter weight, but it’s good to be even more active than that.
Vibration machines are an excellent way to get a fast, efficient workout if time is a concern.
2. Don’t forget the cardio – A great way to burn off calories and feel better about yourself is to do cardio on a treadmill or elliptical machine.
3. Visit the produce aisle – The same fruits and vegetables that are fresh in the summer and fall might not taste as good, or even be available in winter.
But change about your diet in a healthy way by enjoying some things that are fresh in winter: carrots, cauliflower, brussel sprouts and different fruits depending where you live.
4. Work out at home – If you can set up a workout program at home, you can burn off some calories even on days you’re snowed in.
Exercise like pushups, situps, the plank, pull-ups and dips can easily be done at home. Consider adding some exercise equipment, too, like dumbbells, an exercise ball or the big investment of a treadmill, vibration machine or elliptical machine.
5. Set a goal for the spring – One thing I like to do is set a goal for the spring. It helps me have something to focus on as a reward for my training.
Maybe the goal is to run in a 5K or half–marathon, complete a long bike ride, prepare for a spring sport, or simply fit nicely into your bathing suit.
6. Get some sun – Even when it’s really cold out, try to get at least some sun. Bundle up to have a snowball fight, go sled riding with the kids, or go on an outdoor walk.
It will help refresh your mood and burn off some more calories.

At Home Fitness consultant Aaron Dorksen’s blog deals with a variety of fitness topics, ranging from workout tips, motivational ideas and feature stories on how exercise impacts people’s lives. E-mail him with comments, questions or ideas for future blogs at