What to do When You See No Results

Are you working out a on a regular basis, but you still haven’t seen any results?  Unfortunately, lack of results is one of the main reasons people give up on their workout routines.  After all, who wants to keep putting several hours of their time into a workout that doesn’t make them look and feel better?  Putting in all of that sweat and effort without seeing results can be quite disheartening.  But, before you give up on your routine, you might want to consider taking these additional steps to help you achieve the results you want.

Make Some Dietary Changes

Many people think that they can continue to eat whatever they want if they start exercising on a regular basis.  This simply is not true.  While you may be burning off calories with your workout, you may simply be breaking even when it comes to the calories you are consuming. Even if you are eating a little healthier, allowing yourself to still eat too much sugar or to drink too much alcohol can really slow down your weight loss progress.  You might want to start keeping a food journal so you can get a much clearer idea of what you are eating and so you can find ways to improve your diet even more.

Be Realistic

When all is said and done, you may actually be seeing results that you just aren’t appreciating.  If you set unrealistic goals before you start exercising, you are setting yourself up for disappointment.  Rather than set huge goals that you are unlikely to achieve, set smaller goals and celebrate each success.  This way, you will remain motivated to continue with your exercise routine because you will feel a sense of achievement each time you meet one of those goals. 

Change Your Routine

If you truly are getting nowhere with your routine, you might want to make some changes to what you are doing.  One thing you might want to try is interval training.  Research has shown that interval training is more effective at burning off fat than slow cardio workouts.  In addition to getting better results, interval training also helps boost your metabolism an actually allows you to shorten your routine.  Many people also find interval training to be more fun, which helps them stick to the routine for longer periods of time.

Hire a Trainer

If all else fails, you may want to consider hiring a personal trainer to help you with your routine.  If nothing else, hiring a trainer to help you establish a better routine that is more suited to you may be beneficial.  Keeping the trainer on board after creating a routine can also be beneficial because the trainer can continue to teach you as your body changes while also helping to keep you motivated.