Getting Motivated by Making Changes

Sometimes, getting motivated to work out can be a major problem.  Often, this lack of motivation can have quite a bit to do with the actual routine you have developed.  Therefore, if you are finding it difficult to get up and get going, you might want to consider making a few changes to your routine so you can put the spark back into it.

Giving Yourself a Break

Sometimes, your lack of motivation can be because you are simply burned out.  In this case, you might actually want to take a break for a week so you can find your motivation again.  During this week, think about why you started to work out in the first place and how good working out makes you feel.  In fact, by the end of your week, you may actually find yourself missing your workout routine.  After all, it is a great stress reliever.

If taking a break works for you, you might want to consider building breaks into your routine.  For example, every four weeks, you might take a week off.  This way, you can motivate yourself by saying “If I just make it through these four weeks, I get to have a whole week off.”  Sometimes, dangling that carrot in front of your face is a good motivator. In addition, by building in a break, it prevents you from taking breaks every week simply because you feel like it.

Change it Up

Making some changes to your routine can also help you stay motivated and interested in your workout.  Sometimes, getting caught in a workout rut can make you burn out quickly.  So, you can either create a long term routine that involves following a different routine each week or you can set up a time period for switching it up.  For example, you might re-evaluate your routine every month and then change it up during the following month so you can look forward to doing something different.  Of course, some people thrive on sticking to the same routine, so this may not be necessary for you.

You might also change up your routine by finding other activities for working out.  Rather than working out on your treadmill every other day, for example, you might plan to replace your treadmill work out with a game of tennis once per week.  Try out a variety of different sports and see if there is one you enjoy that can help you achieve the same type of results you get from the work out equipment.  Not only will this help you with sticking to your routine, it will also provide you with the opportunity to socialize and you may even find a new sport that you enjoy.

If you are still having difficulty getting motivated, you might want to consider getting a workout partner or even reading some motivational books or magazines.  By getting that spark back into your routine, you will be sure to stay on the road to good health.