Top five reasons a treadmill helps people lose weight

When it comes to getting in shape, and staying that way, a treadmill is one of the single best investments a person can ever make in their home gym.
From elite athletes to senior citizens trying to get in a 15-20 minutes of exercise a day, a treadmill offers tremendous versatility.
Here’s a countdown of the top five ways a treadmill can help you lose weight:
5. Numbers don’t lie – Treadmills are the No. 1 selling home exercise machine for a reason – they get results. If you purchase a treadmill for your home there are a multitude of ways it will help you get in better shape.
4. Comfort factor – It’s Ok to admit, some people really don’t like to exercise at all. A great attribute of the treadmill is that it makes exercising a lot more entertaining.
You can set up the treadmill in front of a TV and watch your favorite show or a good movie while exercising, or play the home stereo.
Treadmills can also have a rack set up to place a magazine or book to read while you’re working out.
3. Privacy factor – Working out in the privacy of your own home, you don’t have to worry about walking outside and having smart alecks in the neighborhood slowing down and eyeballing you or yelling comments as they drive by.
Some people don’t feel much more comfortable in a health club gym, either.
With a set-up at home, you can have your exercise environment just the way you want it – and only have people around you want to see.
2. Increase your metabolism – Walking is great for your circulation, and boosts metabolism. Running also boost metabolism and suppresses your appetite as well. Combined with healthy eating, how much cardio activity you do and other factors like age and weight, you could lose 2-4 pounds a week after starting a walking program.
1. Get a leg up – By exercising the biggest muscles in the bodies – the legs – you’ll burn maximum calories which translates into losing more weight. You’ll also strengthen the base of your body, which keys everything you do, and build up your cardiovascular system.

At Home Fitness consultant Aaron Dorksen’s blog deals with a variety of fitness topics, ranging from workout tips, motivational ideas and feature stories on how exercise impacts people’s lives. E-mail him with comments, questions or ideas for future blogs at