Top Workout Mistakes to Avoid

If you have purchased home workout equipment to help you get into better shape, you want to be certain to take all the necessary steps to get the most from your workout.  To that end, there are four mistakes you need to be sure to avoid.

Mistake #1:  Getting Distracted

It is easy to get distracted while working out, particularly if you are working out for a long period of time.  To help pass the time, you may choose to listen to music, to watch television, to read, or to talk with a workout buddy.  While all of these methods will help you pass the time more quickly, make certain you are not sacrificing the intensity of your workout in order to engage in these forms of entertainment.  Similarly, try to schedule a time for your workout that will help you avoid other distractions, such as the distractions that can be caused by children or pets.  If possible, workout while the kids are at school or while they are otherwise engaged in an activity that will hold their attention while you work out.  This way, you won’t have to cut your workout short in order to tend to their needs.

Mistake #2:  Failing to Increase Your Workout Intensity

As your body gets into better shape, it is important for you to steadily increase the intensity of your workout so you don’t hit a workout plateau.  There are many different ways for you to increase your workout intensity, such as moving at a faster rate of speed, using the incline feature on your treadmill, increasing the resistance on your elliptical trainer and more.

Mistake #3:  Working Out With Poor Posture

In order to strengthen your core muscles, to avoid injury and to get the best workout possible, it is also important for you to maintain proper posture while working out.  This means standing up straight and looking forward so you do not hunch over or lean while working out. If necessary, reduce the intensity of your workout so you do not feel the need to lean.

Mistake #4:  Holding On to the Same Routine

Varying your routine will help keep your workout from getting boring while also making certain all of your muscles get a great workout.  Try not to repeat the same routine day after day.  Even if you are using the same piece of workout equipment, take advantage of the various workout programs offered by the machine in order to give your body a change from day to day.