Using the Glycemic Index to Aid in Weight Loss

Are you trying to burn off some extra pounds?  If so, you might want to check out the glycemic index when deciding what foods you should and should not include in your diet.

What it the Glycemic Index?

Many people have never heard of the glycemic index.  Yet, it can be an important component to consider when developing a dietary plan.

Put simply, the glycemic index is a system that is used to rank foods according to their carbohydrate content n how they affect blood glucose levels.  In order to rank the foods, the system compares the carbohydrate content in one gram of each food. 

The glycemic food index was originally developed in order to help people who are suffering from diabetes select the best foods for controlling their condition.  But, it has also been found to be an effective guide for helping with weight loss as well.  This is because the foods that are ranked low in the glycemic index are generally lower in calories and have a lower impact on blood glucose levels.

Exploring Various Foods

If you are trying to lose weight, avoiding foods that rank high on the glycemic food index is a good idea.  Some of these foods include:

  • · Baked Goods
  • · Breads
  • · Cereals
  • · Pastas
  • · Rices

Those that rank low, on the other hand, are good choices.  These include:

  • · Fruits
  • · Legumes
  • · Vegetables
  • · Whole Grains

To learn more about the glycemic index, you might want to check into one of the many books available on the topic.  Or, you can follow the general good advice provided by the glycemic index and simply eat those foods that are healthy for you so you can lose weight and stay fit for years to come.