5 tips to help prevent cancer

A diagnosis of cancer is one of the scariest things a patient can ever hear from a doctor. The good news is that the medical field makes great gains every year in treating this dreaded disease.
Even better news is that up to 70 percent of cancers are preventable simply by making healthy lifestyle choices, according to many in the medical field.
The big three things to do to reduce your risks of getting cancer, or many other types of diseases, most people know are — maintain a healthy diet, exercise regularly and avoid tobacco products.
Here are five more specific ways you can help prevent cancer:
1. Walk it away – Researches say even moderate exercise such as walking two hours in a week can cut the risk of breast cancer by 18 percent. Of course, more exercise can reduce your risks even more of not getting breast cancer or many other types of cancer. So get out on your neighborhood sidewalks, local parks or trails, or treadmills and get walking.
2. Drink lots of water – Drinking the proper amount of water has tons of health benefits, including reducing the risk of developing bladder cancer.
The water dilutes the concentration of cancer-causing agents in urine and helps to flush them through the bladder faster.
The American Cancer Society suggests people drink at least 8 cups of water or other healthy liquids a day, although the exact amounts differ from person to person.
3. Eat green, leafy vegetables – Fill up on the greenest salad ingredients you can find. The chlorophyll that gives veggies such as salad, spinach, cucumber, green pepper, etc., its color is chocked full of magnesium, which has been proven to lower the risk of colon cancer in women.

Researches say even moderate exercise such as walking two hours in a week can cut the risk of breast cancer by 18 percent. The award-winning 3G Cardio 80i Fold Flat Treadmill is a great way to literally "fit" exercise into your life. It has been rated as one of the best treadmills under $1,500.

4. Get your fill of caffeine – Sometimes getting too much caffeine gets a bad rap.
Not when we’re talking about drinking coffee and fighting cancer. According to a recent study, people who drank five or more cups of coffee a day had a 40 percent decreased risk of developing brain cancer.
Drinking five cups of coffee a day has also been found to reduce the risk of oral and throat cancer.
5. Marinate meat – It’s advised to limit the amount of red meat that you eat, but when you do grill make sure to marinate meat before cooking.
Avoid charring meat or cooking it well done because that can produce meat with cancer-causing agents.

At Home Fitness consultant Aaron Dorksen’s blog deals with a variety of fitness topics, ranging from workout tips, motivational ideas and feature stories on how exercise impacts people’s lives. Consult a doctor before making any significant changes in your exercise routine or diet. E-mail him with comments, questions or ideas for future blogs at aaron@athomefitness.com