Fitting Fitness Into the Workplace

Do you work for an employer who makes employee fitness a top priority?  Many people are surprised to learn that some companies are actually choosing to make working out a part of the daily work routine.  But, if you think about it, it is in the company’s best interest to take an interest in the health and welfare of its employees.  After all, a healthy employee is less likely to call off sick, to become overwhelmed by stress and to make mistakes in the workplace.  Not only can this help increase productivity, it can also help to reduce health insurance costs, which is an expense that many companies are finding difficult to handle.

There are actually far more companies implementing workout programs into their day than you might think.  Here is a look at a few examples:

· Replacement Ltd has a walking program that was organized by its company nurse
· American Apparel has 80 sets of bikes, helmets and locks that it loans out to employees
· L.L. Bean shuts down its manufacturing line so its employee’s can engage in mandatory stretching three times per day
· Numerous schools allow their teachers and staff to use the fitness equipment purchased for Physical Education classes

In addition to encouraging their employees to workout, some are also taking steps to encourage employees to follow healthier diets as well.  At the Hartford Financial Services Group Inc., for example the cost of fatty foods available in the cafeteria were increase so they could keep more healthy foods such as fruits, sandwiches and salads in stock.

So, if you are interested in living a healthier lifestyle, you might want to talk with your employer about the possibility of implementing similar programs at your place of work.  Not only will it help you get in shape, it can help your employer save some money in the long run as well!