Kids’ fitness week: Five healthy tips for grade-schoolers

Many adults have a good knowledge about fitness for themselves, but when it comes to their own kids they don’t make the grade. This week I’ll take a look at some fitness tips for kids, finishing today with tips to build healthy habits for grade-schoolers.

Many of the behaviors and habits we learn a skids carry on into our adult years. That makes it extra important that youth are taught to do things the right way.
When it comes to healthy fitness habits, get kids started in the right direction when they’re in grade school.
Here are five healthy tips for grade-schoolers:
Fuel up with a good breakfast every day – Get your kid in the habit of always eating a good, healthy breakfast each day. Breakfast fills your tank after a long night without eating. Studies have shown a healthy breakfast can help you do better in school. Fast and easy to make breakfast such as oatmeal, cereal, fruit, whole-wheat toast or yogurt are winning combinations.
Stay active – Kids are encouraged to get 60 minutes or more of activity per day. Walk, bike or jog to school or see friends. Take an activity break every hour in between doing homework or watching TV to help get enough exercise.
Eat healthy snacks – Refuel during the day with healthy snacks such as
low-fat milk, an apple or banana, carrot or celery sticks.
Play hard – Some vigorous activity is great for kids. Work up a sweat and get the heart rate going playing dodge ball or kick ball, baseball or touch football.
Introduce strength training – As mentioned in Wednesday’s blog, it’s Ok for kids to do some strength training such as pushups and sit-ups.

At Home Fitness consultant Aaron Dorksen’s blog deals with a variety of fitness topics, ranging from workout tips, motivational ideas and feature stories on how exercise impacts people’s lives. E-mail him with comments, questions or ideas for future blogs at