Lose Excess Water Weight by Drinking More Water

Are you struggling with trying to get rid of extra water weight?  You may be surprised to learn that carrying excess water can add many pounds to your overall body weight.  This does not, however, mean that you should dehydrate your body in order to lose extra pounds.  In fact, by dehydrating your body, it will work less efficiently and will not burn fat or build muscle as effectively.  Besides, the most effective way to get rid of excess water is actually to drink more of it!  This is because a dehydrated body will kick into “survival mode” and will actually retain more water rather than letting it go.

In addition to helping you get rid of excess water weight, there are many other benefits associated with drinking water.  If you struggle with your appetite, drinking plenty of water can help you keep it under control.  Water also helps to flush toxins out of your body and helps to prevent sagging skin.

So, how much water should you drink each day?  The answer to this question can vary according to your weight and your activity level.  But, in general, it is best to drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day.  Don’t try to squeeze all of this water into your diet in a short period of time, however, as consuming too much water in a very short period of time can lead to water intoxication.  In addition, in order to get the greatest benefits from water, it is best to drink it throughout the day rather than all at once.  To help burn extra calories, try chilling the water beforehand as well, as it takes more calories for your body to process cold water than it does to process water that is room temperature.