Positive self-esteem can influence good health and fitness

The psychological benefits related to physical activity include stress reduction and gaining self-esteem. For many people stress, anxiety, depression and even boredom often triggers inappropriate eating.
A bad day at work may lead to pizza with extra cheese, a large cola drink, and an extra helping of ice cream followed by a food coma on the couch. Reaching for comfort foods eventually leads to unwanted weight gain, which commonly perpetuates the stress-eating cycle.
Making the decision to lead a more active lifestyle, however, small at first can be the beginning of a more beneficial cycle. Instead of using the leaf blower, rake the leaves instead, take the stairs instead of the elevator, and replace a 30-minute television program with a 2-mile walk a day. Whatever you enjoy doing, do it often. Try a slice of veggie-lovers pizza, pour sparkling water over a lemon or an orange slice, and savor a half a cup of your favorite ice cream instead of eating a giant bowl of it. Small steps like these boost your energy and make your clothes feel a little looser.
Looking and feeling better improves self-esteem and this motivates a person to persist in seeking good health and fitness. A person who stays with an activity routine long enough to enjoy the rewards will be less likely to give it up. Choosing a low-to-moderate intensity activity for a long duration, such as an hour-long, fast-paced walk is easy to stick with and decreases the risk of injury.
However, this is probably not realistic for the first time out. Setting realistic goals with a certified trainer may be a safe option if you’re just getting started. A new physical activity may cause some muscle soreness and stiffness, so listen to your body and don’t overdo it. Respect the beginning, and there should be no shame in a 7-minute cardio workout, because if you stick with it you will go farther than you ever thought was possible.