Seven tips to shed weight after pregnancy

After a woman gives birth there’s a great deal to think about.
It can seem like a full-time job to regularly feed and diaper the baby, feed herself, and do other chores.
It gets easier over the first few weeks and months and that’s also when a woman is likely to gradually shed the extra weight gained during pregnancy.
For women who started out near an average weight and gained the normal 25-30 pounds, most doctors say it shouldn’t take more than a couple months to get back to their original weight.
To help women drop the pounds more efficiently, and most importantly safer, here are seven tips to drop excess pregnancy weight courtesy of my wife’s research from various doctors:
1. Eat a normal diet – Many experts say not to diet because it could lead to extra weight gain due to stress. Plus, women who breastfeed need to have all the energy they can to nourish the baby and are encouraged to up their calorie counts.
Eat a well-balanced diet with good variety
2. Plan healthy snacks – Get energy boosts throughout the day from snacks such as apples, carrot sticks, and crackers.
3. Eat super foods – Pick meals high in nutrients and low in calories and fat.
4. Breastfeed – There is some argument on whether or not breastfeeding actually helps women lose weight, but it is excellent for the baby’s health and let’s women consume an extra 300 calories a day.
5, Drink plenty of water – My family’s doctor recommends a minimum of eight glasses of water a day for a woman who is breastfeeding. Drinking water can also help a new mom feel fuller and avoid eating as much junk food.
6. Exercise – Carrying the baby around the house and doing daily chores will get you exercise right from the start. Talk with a doctor to plan when and how much exercise you can add and try to find time to exercise. In addition to allowing the mom’s muscles to get toned again, working out can also relieve stress and improve her mood. When baby gets a little older, go for a walk around the block with him in a stroller, or put baby in your pack and play nearby while you jump on the treadmill at your house..
7. Rest up – It’s easier said than done, but new mom’s should get as much rest as they can. The old adage is “sleep when the baby sleeps” but also try to sneak in naps if hubby or one of the grandparents can watch the baby for a few hours.

At Home Fitness consultant Aaron Dorksen’s blog deals with a variety of fitness topics, ranging from workout tips, motivational ideas and feature stories on how exercise impacts people’s lives. E-mail him with comments, questions or ideas for future blogs at