This is the first in a four-part series on women’s fitness tips. I have spoken with trainers and female athletes to help come up with today’s list of seven essential exercises women should do. 1. Cardio - Women should get cardio exercises in at least 3-4...

You’ve seen the commercials: 10 minutes a day and you’ll have a flat stomach. Wear this special belt and it will melt away fat. Blah, blah, blah. Just like with life in general, when it comes to advertisements to trim your belly fat, if it sounds...

As we get older, unfortunately our joints get creakier. That’s just the way it is, but through exercise and knowledge it’s possible to keep your joints working a lot better a lot longer than they would otherwise. The older you are, probably the more stiff you feel...

In many parts of the country chances are you won’t be riding your bike much in the winter. Hours of riding trails, or maybe even days at a time if you take long-distance trips, can seem like distant memories as snow and ice cover the roads. Chances...

Everybody knows there are 12 months in a year, and that’s a lot of time to make yourself look and feel better in 2010? Here are random fitness tips for each of those months to make this a better year for you. 1 Make fitness a top...

This is the sixth in a seven-part series on building your own home gym. Today, we take a look at what type of bench and squat rack is best for you. Besides the weights themselves, a bench is one of the most traditional pieces in a...

This is the fourth in a seven-part series on building your own home gym. Today, we take a look at which aerobic machine is better for you: Treadmill or Elliptical. Either a treadmill or elliptical would be a great addition to your home gym, but it’s...

This is the third in a seven-part series on building your own home gym. Today, we take a look at what to consider when buying free weights and the all-important barbell for your gym. The barbell (aka bar) is not an area where you want to...

This is the second in a seven-part series on building your own home gym. Today, we take a look at the different options available for purchasing dumbbells. If you want to build your own home gym, there are many things to consider. Three of the biggest factors:...

Here in the Midwest it’s been an unseasonably warm start to November. OK, it’s actually been awesome. I can’t remember ever reporting on November football games where the temperature was around 70 degrees that day. Unfortunately, in Ohio we know all too well the mercury can...