We are now midway through the first week of 2012. Hopefully your holiday hangovers and eating binges are a thing of the past … and you’re focusing on ways to improve in the New Year. If you already set a New Year’s Resolution that’s great. If you didn’t,...

The awards season will start early for one of the products carried by Arizona specialty fitness giant At Home Fitness. Drum roll please … congratulations to Octane Fitness and its Octane Q37ci Elliptical, which has just been ranked as the No. 1 overall best buy elliptical...

This week between Christmas Day and New Year’s Day is the time when countless people set a New Year’s Resolution for themselves. Statistics show that as many as two-thirds of us make a New Year’s Resolution, but unfortunately only around 5 percent actually carry them out...

If you’re short on time, or can’t get to a gym, your fitness level doesn’t have to suffer. Here are 10 ways to get a fast, efficient workout away from the gym: * Exercise band - Attach your exercise band to a door or wall and...

Are you or someone close you you looking to get stronger in 2012. If so, an A-list Christmas gift you should consider is a home gym machine. What could be a better way to ensure that you’ll exercise than to have the convenience of owning your own...

Many innovations have come along in the fitness world since the exercise bike became popular, but few machines can match the benefits bikes bring to an extremely diverse section of the population. When trying to decide the perfect last-minute, A-list Christmas gift to give a friend...

When it comes to gym equipment, one of the best ways to get a great cardio and leg workout with putting excess stress on your joints is the elliptical machine. Getting an elliptical machine for a friend or loved one would certainly rank near the top...

When thinking about a top-of-the-line fitness gift to give a loved one, friend or even yourself for Christmas, a treadmill is as good as it gets. Arguably the MVP of a club or home gym, the treadmill comes in a variety of styles and prices to...

In life too much of the same thing can result in a person becoming bored and stagnant. The same is true for your cardio workouts. Months or even years of doing the same things, such as performing treadmill or elliptical machine workouts the same way, can cause...