One of the most common complaints I’ve heard from people is that it’s hard for them to stay motivated to work out. You can do a lot to change that simply by planning ahead. Not only is it important to set aside time in your busy schedule...

When shopping for a stationery exercise bike there are two main styles to consider: Upright Bike or Recumbent Bike. The biggest factors to consider in determining which is right are your fitness level, back health and comfort needs. Both bikes provide an excellent source of...

Do you want to set up a workout room in your house, but don‘t know where to start? Many people build their rooms around one marquee piece, either a Home Gym or Functional Trainer. It’s important to know the difference between the two and choose the...

To the novice or uniformed, dumbbells and kettlebells may seem similar. They’re both used to gain strength and can help one improve their overall workout, but there are a lot of differences between using the two. Dumbbells are much more common and easier to use. They...

Treadmills are a longer established part of the fitness landscape than elliptical trainers, but they both have great, albeit varying, benefits for users. The biggest difference between the two is that you’re not physically connected to a treadmill. There is no pre-set motion to follow and...

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="225" caption="Treadmill Purchasing Tips"][/caption] If you are in the market for a new treadmill, there are several basics that you need to take into consideration when trying to decide which one is for you.  With so many different models and styles available, sorting...

Are you in the market for a new treadmill?  If so, you may feel a bit overwhelmed by all of the options that are available for you to buy.  One of the first decisions you will need to make is whether you want to purchase...

Many people do not realize it, but there are many different types of accessories you can add to your treadmill in order to get a more effective and enjoyable workout.  While some of these accessories may be included with the treadmill when you purchase it,...

Are you in the market for a new pair of running shoes?  If so, there are several things you need to keep in mind when trying to decide upon the shoes that are right for you.  Here's a look at a few of the things...

Are you trying to figure out what type of treadmill you should purchase?  While there are many things you should take into consideration when purchasing a treadmill, such as the number of workout programs the treadmill has to offer, the price and the accessories that are included in the machine, you also need to consider your height and weight when selecting a treadmill.  This way, you can be certain to select a treadmill to meet your physical needs.