Need a little extra push to get going on your workouts, or even life in general? You should be able to find some great motivation from this list of 20 of my favorite inspirational quotes: 1. The good Lord gave you a body that can stand...

Woody Allen once said that “Eighty percent of success is showing up.” You know what, that’s especially true when it comes to physical fitness and will lead off my list of 10 tips to get inspired to be fit. When it comes to fitness, I think...

There are distractions and excuses all around us to put off being fit. Getting and staying motivated for physical fitness can be extremely difficult to do at times. Here are five tips to get you moving again and attain the fitness level you desire: 1. Log your...

If you’re too tired or unmotivated to work out, or both, I have a simple tip to get you back in the swing of things. I call it the “five-minute plan.” Even if you really don’t feel like exercising, start on the treadmill,, exercise...

We’ve all heard lots of fitness advice over the years. Tips we wanted to hear and unfortunately lots we didn’t ask for. But how much of what we hear is really true, even from so-called experts? Here are five fitness myths that are repeated over and over,...

If you develop an injury as a runner there’s really no place to hide it, unlike some other sports where you can “play hurt” and gut your way through. If you have common runner’s problems such as shin splints, runner’s knee or Achilles’ tendonitis, it will...

It can be a tricky balance to improve your distance running while battling nagging aches and pains, but it can be achieved. Here are five tips to improve your running without getting injured: * Quality, not quantity - If you are experiencing minor discomforts that come with...

[caption id="attachment_1656" align="aligncenter" width="300"] At Home Fitness consultant Aaron Dorksen gets set to take an ElliptiGo for a spin.[/caption] The ElliptiGo is a recent fitness phenomenon that looks guaranteed to last, unlike some other “here today, gone tomorrow” gimmicks. It’s an outdoor bike with eight speeds that’s...