If you are trying to lose weight, it is important to keep in mind that there is a difference between being skinny and being healthy. In fact, a person can have a nice, svelte physique, but that does not mean he or she is a healthy person.  Similarly, a person can appear to be a bit pleasantly plump, yet still be much healthier than his or her skinnier counterparts.  Therefore, when planning a diet and exercise program, it is important to keep your health your top priority and to choose a plan that will help you stay healthy rather than one that simply burns the fat off quickly.
Although home workout equipment is certainly beneficial when it comes to getting a great workout, you might also want to consider adding body weight resistance exercises to your workout routine.  There are actually many benefits to including this type of training to your workout and there are several different exercise options for you to select from that fall within this category.

You are probably aware that regularly engaging in cardio workouts is good for your health, but were you aware that there are different types of cardio workouts?  Not only are there different ways for you to engage in a cardio workout, there are also different...

Are you someone that is obsessed with getting your regular workouts each week?  If so, it is great that you are so dedicated to your health and that you are willing to work so hard in order to stay healthy.  At the same time, it...

In our world of technology, more and more of us are getting less exercise while at work.  Whereas going to work once meant spending eight hours performing laborious tasks, many of us have become "desk jockeys" that sit at our desks and work on our...

If you are trying to lose weight, it is important to remember that you have to pay attention to muscle mass as well.  In fact, if you aren't careful about your dieting, you could actually lose muscle mass and can cause more overall harm to...

Are you someone that likes to skip breakfast in the morning?  Many people are so caught up in the hustle and bustle of the morning that they decide to skip their morning meal.  Or, they decide to sacrifice their breakfast in order to sleep in...

Are you finding it difficult to motivate yourself to get on the treadmill or to hop on the elliptical?  If so, you aren't alone!  In fact, there is a long list of excuses that are commonly used by those that can't find the motivation to...

If you are trying to increase your health and sculpt a more fit and shapely body, there are many things you will want to monitor.  For example, you will want to take your weight on a regular basis in order to see if you are...

Did you know that there are actually specific ways you should lace up your running shoes before you hit the treadmill?  By paying attention to your foot type and lacing your running shoes according to your foot type, you will be better able to meet...