SCOTTSDALE — Barrett-Jackson has its “World’s Greatest Collector Car Auctions” taking place in Scottsdale, Ariz., from Jan. 12-19. Incredible auctions will be held each day at Westworld of Scottsdale, 16601 N Pima Rd, Scottsdale, AZ 85260. You name it, and Barrett-Jackson has it: from antique cars,...

The Federal Trade Commission has charged four companies for deceiving consumers with unfounded weight-loss promises. Sensa Products, L’Occitane, HCG Diet Direct and LeanSpa did not admit nor deny fault in the case, but will collectively pay $34 million to refund consumers. If you don’t know by now,...

If you haven’t set a New Year’s Resolution yet, what are you waiting for? The end of one year and the start of another is a great time to assess where your life is at and strive to make improvements. Most of us should probably take...

This is the fourth in a 10-part series on Christmas gift ideas to help people on your list get more fit. Featured today are elliptical machines. Elliptical machines are one of the most popular types of fitness equipment. They are provide a low-impact, fun way to...

This is the third in a 10-part series on Christmas gift ideas to help people on your list get more fit. Featured today are Treadmills. The treadmill is arguably the most widely used and effective piece of exercise equipment. You can walk, jog or sprint on...

This is the first in a 10-part series on Christmas gift ideas to help people on your list get more fit. Featured today are PowerBlocks. PowerBlocks offer a world of benefits for people looking to increase their strength and flexibility. Adjustable PowerBlocks allow users to easily change...

When food is seemingly everywhere during the holiday season, fighting the battle of the bulge can be an extremely difficult challenge. While some we might not think it’s a big deal to gain a few pounds during the holiday season, the trouble is that as many...

The psychological benefits related to physical activity include stress reduction and gaining self-esteem. For many people stress, anxiety, depression and even boredom often triggers inappropriate eating. A bad day at work may lead to pizza with extra cheese, a large cola drink, and an extra helping...

Many parents may think they’re helping their children by having them specialize in one sport, but an ever-growing body of evidence shows it may be just the opposite. Many athletes play and train for one sport year round, often thinking it will help them excel in...

The exercise bike is an oldie, but a goodie. Lots of innovations have come along in the fitness industry since exercise bikes became popular, however, few machines offer benefits to such a large section of people. Whether you prefer a stationary bike or recumbent bike, everyone from...