Whether you are heading outside and running up hills or you have set your treadmill to an incline in order to simulate running uphill, taking on these steep monsters can be very beneficial to your body in many ways.  At the same time, it is...

Have you ever finished eating a meal and then felt like you were going to fall asleep?  All of us have had this feeling, which is often referred to as having a "food coma" at some point.  But, what causes this feeling to occur and...

If you managed to make it past Thanksgiving without cheating on your diet, congratulations may be in order.  Unfortunately for anyone who is trying to watch his or her weight, however, there are still plenty of tempting days left in the holiday season.  Therefore, if...

When it comes to getting a great workout, it is important for you to choose the right equipment.  While most people think of machines and weights when they think about exercise equipment, there is more to selecting the right exercise equipment than machinery.  In fact,...

Are you looking for a piece of workout equipment that will allow you to safely get a great workout?  If so, you might want to consider purchasing an elliptical trainer.  The reality is that elliptical trainers are one of the safest machines to use for...

Are you trying to decide between an elliptical trainer and a treadmill?  If so, there are many things you should take into consideration in order to select which piece of equipment is right for you. Getting a Great Cardio Workout Regardless of which piece of equipment you...

Are you trying to determine whether you should purchase home fitness equipment to use at home or if you should join a health club?  The reality is that there are pros and cons associated with both options.  Therefore, it is important for you to consider...

Are you looking for some great pieces of home exercise equipment to add to your home gym?  If so, there are several items you should consider adding to your collection.  While some of these items will require a somewhat significant investment to purchase, you may...

There is no doubt that working out with an elliptical can provide you with a great workout.  In fact, there are many benefits to using a workout that you cannot necessary get from other pieces of workout equipment.  In addition, when used in combination with other exercises or when you use a little creativity with your elliptical workout, you can maximize the benefits of using one of these machines while also staving off boredom.