This is the second in a five-part series on outdoor workout ideas. These can be used to enhance your indoor workouts on home gyms, treadmills, vibration training machines, elliptical, etc. After being indoors much of the winter, it’s time to get outside and enjoy the nicer...

This is the first in a five-part series on outdoor workout ideas. These can be used to enhance the indoor workouts you'll continue on home gyms, treadmills, vibration training machines, elliptical, etc. Now that the weather has finally warmed up across the country, it opens up...

There’s no form of exercise more natural than walking. It’s so simple and easy to do that some people might not even consider it good exercise, but in fact regular walking is extremely beneficial. Here are seven of the top benefits of walking. * Walking can help lower...

Fit couples are very often happy couples. Exercising together can help couples be more healthy and spend more fun time together. In part two of our series on couples’ fitness, here are five more ways you can stay fit together: 1 Go for a jog - Lace...

One of the best ways for couples to stay fit is to exercise together. It’s a way couples can motivate one another, while also spending good quality time together. There are lots of ways couples can stay fit. In part one of our series on couples’ fitness, here...

We here all the time about strength training and cardiovascular training in the fitness world. But the third key component - stretching - is often overlooked. Stretching is equally important, though, because it can limit injuries and help you perform better. It can even help improves muscle appearance,...

More is not always better when it comes to cardio workouts. Instead of doing one epic cardio workout, it’s actually better to break it up into two sessions, according to a new study. In a recent article in the Journal of Applied Physiology, a University of Tokyo...

If something is fun, there’s a far better chance a person will want to do it. When it comes to exercise, the same holds true. Make your workouts more fun and there’s a better chance you’ll do them more often, and get better results. Here are five tips...

Sometimes the hardest part in a journey is taking the first step. Since turning 40, I’ve noticed it’s become tougher and tougher to win the battle of the bulge, even with an athletic background and exercising fairly regularly. For guys over 40, and even younger, there are...

Once guts, err guys, turn 40 it can become tougher and tougher to win the battle of the bulge, even if you have an athletic background. For guys over 40, and even many slightly younger, there are some common-sense ways to keep your midsection trim without...