Spring Break will arrive within the next month or two for countless high school and college students, along with many adults who want to get away as well. If you are among the many people who will be going somewhere warmer and want to improve...

When it comes to working our and exercising, setting goals is important whether you’re a beginner or have been at it for many years. Without clearly established fitness goals you won’t have a clear idea where you’re headed and you’ll lose out on a valuable motivational...

With this being Valentine’s Week a friend asked me a timely question recently, which others might find interesting also: “What can someone who likes to work out do to try to get their couch potato husband or wife interested in exercise, too?” Now, there’s a topic...

Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of men — and women. Most women think breast cancer is their top threat, but the hidden signals of heart disease can sneak up on women with deadly consequences. The good news is that up to one third of...

On this Valentines Day, get your sweetheart a present that will really make their heart happy — and I’m not talking about jewelry or candy. This is also National Heart Month and Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to give gifts that will lead to better...

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="225" caption="Inspire Home Gyms"][/caption] When it comes to choices for home gyms out there, one brand really lives up to its name: Inspire Fitness. I’ve tried many types of home gyms, but Inspire is certainly a brand worth checking out. It’s machines are designed...

Boosting your metabolism is one of the biggest keys to staying fit and trim, but many variables go into what speed our bodies burns calories. Some people are blessed to have genetics that include a fast metabolism, and other factors such as age and gender -...

Some people’s love for running outside keeps them on the move almost year-round, even in parts of the country where freezing temperatures and snow shut down cities and towns for days at a time. If you are a polar bear type of runner, or would like...

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="330" caption="Running Tips from AtHomeFitnes.com"][/caption] If you run or walk on the treadmill with the same workout plan over and over, in time chances are your training will become stagnant. It could be tougher to remain motivated, gains may be fewer and farther between...