This is the fourth in a seven-part series on building your own home gym. Today, we take a look at which aerobic machine is better for you: Treadmill or Elliptical. Either a treadmill or elliptical would be a great addition to your home gym, but it’s...

This is the third in a seven-part series on building your own home gym. Today, we take a look at what to consider when buying free weights and the all-important barbell for your gym. The barbell (aka bar) is not an area where you want to...

This is the second in a seven-part series on building your own home gym. Today, we take a look at the different options available for purchasing dumbbells. If you want to build your own home gym, there are many things to consider. Three of the biggest factors:...

This is the first in a seven-part series on building your own home gym. Today, we take a look at the pros and cons of taking the big step in the first place. The first, obvious reason, it takes to decide to want to build a...

There are many ways to study exercise and fitness. At the macro or micro level, or in layman’s terms – the big and small picture. On Monday and today, we’re taking a big-picture view of workout essentials. Here are keys 6-10 in our series to make sure...

There are many ways to study exercise and fitness. At the macro or micro level, or in layman’s terms - the big and small picture. Today and Tuesday let’s take a big-picture view of workout essentials. Here are five keys to make sure you’re going in the...

The holiday season means lots of obligations for many people and even fewer time than usual to work out. It’s understandable to slack off your regular workout routine some during this time of year, but don’t completely forget about fitness or else it will be a...

Holiday travel and obligations often make it impossible to keep your regular fitness routine. However, with some creative thinking and a little advanced planning you can keep your fitness level from dropping off too much. Here are five holiday exercise tips to help get you through the...

This Christmas, give the fitness enthusiast in your life the gift of knowledge. A fitness book is a great way to show you care about their quest to improve themselves and help them do it at the same time. Or treat yourself to a workout book. There...

Fitness training can be broken down into three main components: cardiovascular, strength and flexibility. Care to guess which one gets overlooked the most? Or is most often done wrong? I think most people would agree it’s stretching, which many don’t do much of at all, but is...