Is there a single exercise that could be called the best? Obviously, one size does not fit all when it comes to many things in life and exercise is clearly one of them. However, this week I’ll reveal my picks as the best exercises that...

Eating great one day, or on the opposite spectrum eating terribly one day, will not make much of a difference in your overall health. Neither will getting the best workout possible, or instead deciding to lay around on the couch all day. It’s what you do over...

[caption id="attachment_845" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="A young buckaroo enjoys a healthy lifestyle by going for a horseback ride"][/caption] Fitness is not something you should only think about for an hour or so, three or four times a week, when you exercise. Fitness should be a lifestyle...

[caption id="attachment_838" align="alignright" width="212" caption="Ohioan Bob Dorksen works out with a weight club in his basement that he converted into a workout room he calls "Old Iron Gym.""][/caption] If something is fun, you’re more likely to do it. Everyone knows that. On the same train of thought,...

When it comes to watching your weight, almonds are one of the best snacks you can have. They are extremely healthy and loaded with healthy fat, fiber, and complex carbohydrates, along with vitamins and minerals. There are all different types of carbs you can have, but if...

When’s the last time you went for a dip? No, I’m not talking about a plunge in the pool or lake. I’m talking about one of the most underrated, nowadays often forgotten exercises: good, old-fashioned exercises known as dips. To build powerful, defined lower pectorals, triceps and frontal...

Unlike the first two exercises I mentioned this week - Renegade Rows and the Plank - I would think everyone knows what a jump rope is. It seems like we all jumped rope at least a time or two as kids. However, by the time we put...

If you’ve never done “The Plank” it’s a core-strengthening exercise you simply must try. You may wish a pirate had made you walk the plank at sea instead after giving these gut-busters a legitimate effort. Most people know about sit-ups, ab crunches and even using exercise balls...

[caption id="attachment_815" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="At Home Fitness consultant Aaron Dorksen performs a Renegade Row lift."][/caption]The other day I was at the gym and an experienced weightlifter asked me if I wanted to learn some new lifts to complement my fitness routine. I said, “Sure. It’s always...

Are you looking for a great way to naturally power up? Try drinking green tea. Most of us have heard that the more natural food is, the better for you it is. In the case of green tea, it’s derived from then plant Camellia sinensis, which undergoes...