Here’s a common question asked by many fitness enthusiasts? If you have a tough workout and are sore the next day, should you exercise again or wait until the soreness goes away? If the muscles are sore to the touch, or your range of motion is...

No matter how young, healthy, strong, successful and-or confident we feel, from time to time we’re all going to be dealt a tough blow. It may happen to us directly, a loved one, a team, at the workplace, or some other connection. When those tough times...

No pain, no gain. The validity in that archaic saying has certainly been blurred as the days when coaches withheld water from football players or athletes pushed through despite competing with torn ligaments are long over. While it’s true that pushing the body hard is the way...

If you want to get out of a workout rut, or make things more interesting, one of the best things to do is change up your cardio routine. Making a change for even a week or two can help jumpstart your fitness regimen. Even the most fit...

The mercury is rising and for some people the stress levels can also as temperatures peak in the summer. To keep your cool, here are five tips to help beat summer stress: 1. Work out regularly - Exercise provides a natural high by releasing endorphins, it’s a...

Wednesday, June 20 marks this first official day of summer. All week I’ll offer summer health and fitness tips, continuing today with general tips to beat the heat. Just about everywhere in the U.S., summer is officially being ushered in today with warm temperatures. In the...

If you want to both literally and figuratively raise you fitness level on an elliptical trainer machine, then Vision Fitness is a brand well worth checking out. Vision Fitness elliptical machines are especially good for giving users the ability to easily change suspension level. A person can...

Wednesday, June 20 marks this first official day of summer. All week I’ll offer summer health and fitness tips, starting with skincare tips today. Before you go outside to exercise or enjoy the outdoors, don’t forget to put on sun block. Even some health conscious people I...

Most people think of doing two things during vacations: a. getting lots of rest and relaxation, or b. enjoying life’s pleasures with lots of good food, attending events, visiting attractions and seeing relatives or long-lost friends, or c. mixing both a. and b. But did you...

When it comes to exercising, it’s hard to beat the feeling of a good run. Whether it’s a leisurely jog around the neighborhood, some interval training on the treadmill, or one of those days when I can go for a three-plus mile jog, running is an...