PHOENIX - At Home Fitness has reached an agreement to add a major product line to its chain of fitness superstores in Arizona. “We are very excited to announce that we have added the 3G Cardio line,” said Bryan Dorksen, co-owner of At Home Fitness, Arizona’s...

Staying fit won’t be fun 100 percent of the time, but you should try to make it as enjoyable as possible. Why? Because if something is more fun, you’re more likely to do it consistently and will do a better job. And, let’s face it, we only...

Exercise can not only boost you physically, but mentally also. The term “healthy body, healthy mind” couldn’t be truer. In fact, for some people exercise literally is the best medicine. Other times, exercise is recommended in addition to medication and/or psychotherapy to help with mental health issues. Seek a...

Sometimes the hardest part of getting fit is just getting started. Other times, people can get in an exercise rut and burn out, while many people simply aren‘t as consistent as they’d like to be. Wherever you’re at on the exercise curve, if you’re not doing as...

Adding just 15 minutes of moderate exercise a day may add three years to your life, a ground-breaking study conducted in Taiwan has found. Ideally, people should exercise three to five times a week for 30 minutes or more. However, doing at least something is still a...

Going to the grocery store without a concise plan is about as smart as driving in an unfamiliar area without a road map (or these days a GPS device). Have a healthy plan for what you want to accomplish at the grocery store and you’ll wind...

If you are looking to improve how you feel and perform during the course of everyday activities, or sport specific movements, a great piece of exercise equipment to consider using is a functional trainer. Simply put, functional training is any type of exercise that has a...

Break all the stereotypes you think you know about weightlifting. It’s not just for people trying to be football starts, or who want monster 20-inch biceps. Strength training can actually help people from teens to seniors live healthier, more fulfilling lives. A home gym is a great...

When it comes to fitness, arguably the best investment you can make for your home is to own a treadmill. Sixty million people can’t be wrong, can they? That’s how many people own treadmills according to several review sites and the number keeps growing each year. Here...

As a person reaches their 60s and older there can be a rapid decline in muscle mass and metabolic rate. Even if you are aerobically active, you will still lose muscle mass. However, if you combine strength training into a healthy lifestyle that will help improve...