People who want to shop for treadmills in Arizona would be wise to check out one of the four locations of At Home Fitness. Arizona’s top seller of high-end fitness equipment has a wide variety of treadmills to shop for. Top-of-the-line treadmills are available in At Home...

“Let the buyer beware”: A widely quoted principle that one buys at one’s own risk. “Let the researcher beware”: That’s my take on people who rely on the Internet to shop around for product reviews. Occasionally, you will find legitimate, unbiased product reviews, but most of the...

Are you stuck in a bench press rut, seemingly always benching between 200-250 pounds for your max, while watching guys rep out at 225. Maybe you’re not even able to bench press your weight. There are really some simply ways to increase your bench press, and surprisingly...

By now most of us should know that regular exercise can lead to a more healthy life. People generally know that exercise can help improve the health of your heart, muscles, lungs and even prevent some forms of cancer. But did you know there have been...

The end of cold and snow is getting near, but depending on where you live Old Man Winter may still have a strong grip on the climate. It can be a stressful time as we get teased with more and more breaks of warm weather, only...

Forget all those infomercials that promise six-pack abs. If you want a great way to strengthen and tone your abdominal muscles that will cost you only sweat and effort, try doing “The Plank.” Sit-ups, ab crunches and even using exercise balls for sit-ups are well-known, effective ab...

Note: This is the fourth in a series on diet tips this week Who says you can’t snack without feeling guilty. Nutritionists recommend that people eat 4-6 smaller meals during the course of a day instead of one or two real big ones. To help you bridge...