One of the most important things you can do to stay physically fit is write about it. No, I’m not talking about typing an exercise column, or a blog like this. I’m talking about something much simpler - keep a detailed workout log. There are three main reasons...

There is nothing more natural than breathing. It’s the first and last thing we do in our lives because if we’re not taking in and exhaling air, well, we’re not going to last long. However, it’s surprising how much confusion some people have when it comes...

If you’re not one of those rare people who can spend 1 ½ hours at the gym day after day, then it’s important to be as efficient as possible when you do work out. Here are three weightlifting splits to keep you in the gym for...

“Curls are for the girls” is a common expression heard in weight rooms. It basically means that excess biceps curls don’t do much that benefit people in everyday sports or activities, but will result in big arms that the ladies will like. It is important to incorporate...

When I say “Thanksgiving” what are the first two words that come to mind? For many people like myself, it’s Turkey and then Football. Oh yeah, family, too, sorry mom. For the vast majority of the people out there, they’ll at least see some of an NFL...

There is probably no single holiday more centered around eating than Thanksgiving. It’s other name is Turkey Day, so that right there tells you something. At the end of the day you could come out stuffed like a turkey yourself, but it doesn’t have to be...

You know your calorie count is likely to go up - OK, maybe way up - during the Thanksgiving Holiday. That’s OK to over-indulge a little bit, but you’ll feel a lot better about yourself if you find time for a little fitness during the...

The average person consumes around 2,000-3,000 calories at a Thanksgiving dinner. If you snack and drink throughout the day, that total can easily rise to 5,000 or more calories. A lot of people would be surprised to know exactly how those calories are broken down. Below...

For people looking to give the gift of fitness and not break the bank, there are some great gift ideas out there for under $50. You can call some of them stocking stuffers, or if they’re a little too big to hang by the chimney with...