[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="225" caption="LifeCore Fitness LC985vg Elliptical new Lower Price!"][/caption] Get the Best Buy Rated LifeCore Fitness LC985vg Elliptical now for only $799! We've slashed the price and passed the savings onto you! From our website: The LifeCore Fitness LC985vg Elliptical is a combination of the LC980...

[caption id="attachment_1021" align="alignleft" width="232" caption="Lose the final 10 pounds"][/caption] If you’ve ever tried to reach a target weight, chances are you’ve found the final 5-10 pounds are the toughest to lose. Generally, the initial pounds are much easier to shed. Things like tweaking the diet and following...

[caption id="attachment_1009" align="alignleft" width="283" caption="Free Weights Bench Press"][/caption] One of the most noticeable attributes of a male’s physique is his chest. Put simply, it’s a lot better to have a chest that sticks out farther than the belly does. As men get older, this can be tougher and...

You’ve committed to watching what you eat in order to trim down, aka you’ve gone on a diet. This can be a complicated world, though, as we all know. When it comes to dieting the road map can be extremely misleading and things are very often not...

People who exercise regularly come in all shapes and sizes. For competitive athletes who are serious about their performances, sports specific training can provide a definite edge. By signing up with a certified sports trainer for a comprehensive athletic conditioning program, athletes can oftentimes better...

There are a lot of different opinions on how to warm up before running. The fact is that everyone’s body is a little different and that means not all stretch programs fit for everyone. However, some basic principles to consider are these: * When you’re just starting out...

Many athletes mention massage therapy as part of their regular routine. But does this actually help them perform better? There is little hard and fast scientific evidence to prove this point, but ask around or consider what a massage from a certified person does provide and the...

[caption id="attachment_982" align="alignleft" width="201" caption="Six tips to exercise through a heatwave"][/caption] People in the Desert Southwest know all too well what it’s like to deal with temperatures in the 90s and even 100s. But the heat wave that’s brought the mercury into the 90s in the...

For every workout or diet program that’s available out there, it seems like there is also a myth that tells us the right way to stay in shape. If it sounds too good to be true, though, it usually is. In the end, hard work is...

[caption id="attachment_985" align="alignleft" width="112" caption="What equipment do you want to sign on for?"][/caption] The calendar has flipped to July 1st, but in many parts of the country they’re calling it LeBron 1st. July 1 marked the first day of free-agency for arguably the best class of...