As a person reaches their 60s and older there can be a rapid decline in muscle mass and metabolic rate. Even if you are aerobically active, you will still lose muscle mass. However, if you combine strength training into a healthy lifestyle that will help improve...

No matter how dedicated or genetically gifted people are, eventually Father Time will catch up to us all, although some fight off old age a lot longer. In our 50s is when the majority of people really start to notice fitness levels decline. But as with all...

When you hit your 40s it’s time to focus even more on staying flexible. Once a person loses flexibility and balance they can develop frailty, which really hurts us in old age. Age starts to catch up with people to one degree or another in their...

If you were active in your 20s, you should continue to feel good and perform well physically in your 30s. If you haven’t exercised much up to this point, this is when doctors really start stressing to get on an exercise program. Either way, fit or not,...

Our bodies go through many changes through each decade we live. One thing that should never change is a commitment to exercise. No matter what your age, exercise can always help you feel and look younger. This week we’ll look at tips for how to adjust your...

One of the best ways to reduce your waist line is to cut out soft drinks from your diet. And that certainly does not mean switching from regular coke to Diet Coke. The average 12-ounce can of regular soda has about 8 teaspoons of added...

Almost every guy can bench press 135 pounds when they’re just starting out. After about 8-12 months of training, many can work their way up to bench pressing 225 pounds. However, very few ever reach 315 pounds - aka three big plates. To get to the point...

Research published recently in the British Journal of Sports Medicine indicates that regular cardiovascular exercise can delay biological aging by 10-15 or more years in many cases. Translation: When a person turns 50 years old, it’s possible for them to still feel like they’re in their...

Fall can offer scenery like no others. With the crackling of the leaves and smells of the season such as crisp air, leaves on the ground and apple picking it treats the senses like no other time of the year. The fall months are also an...

Buying a treadmill can be a lot more confusing than people think until they start researching and shopping around. Treadmills can be all over the ballpark in terms of price, quality and warranties. Before you even start the process, here are the top five things you need...