Spring training may have just ended for Major League Baseball players, but chances are it’s still going on for weekend warriors - aka amateur athletes and fitness gurus like myself and most others. In many parts of the country it was a long winter and we...

Just because the weather is getting nicer in many parts of the country does it mean it’s time to forget doing treadmill workouts. There are still many good reasons to perform some or most of your training on a treadmill rather than running outside. As far as...

[caption id="attachment_763" align="alignright" width="479" caption="At Home Fitness consultant Aaron Dorksen sits atop Peralta Trail in Arizona, with Weaver's Needle in the background."][/caption]During my recent trip to Arizona I was fortunate enough to go on several long hikes and bike rides. There are lots of amazing...

This is the second in a three-part series on mountain biking. Today standout skier/mountain biker/daredevil Adam “O.J.” Schinness offers tips for beginners. There are mountain bike trails in every state in the country and they provide great cross training when combined with your treadmill, exercise bike...

This is the first in a three-part series on mountain biking. Today is a report on my introduction to the sport with standout skier/mountain biker/outdoor adventurer Adam “O.J.” Schinness. During the winter months many people train indoors on an exercise bike. Recumbent, upright and spinner bikes...

There are two places where I’ve almost never seen anyone act anything but friendly: Church and a bike trail. The first one is no surprise, as a church naturally puts people in a loving, peaceful mood. But, a bike trail? You know what, people are in a...

Blue-collar workers are naturally going to have a strength edge over white-collar people as their jobs are almost always more physically demanding. If you have an occupation that requires you to lift, pull and adjust heavy objects day after day, you are also performing functional strength...

For people with a desk job, staying fit can be especially challenging. Not only do you not burn many calories typing computer keys or sliding around a mouse, but you can actually harm your body as a slave to the desk too long. Stiff backs, carpal tunnel...

Exercise can be a great tension reliever, but sometimes when it’s crunch time it’s not possible to go for a run around the block, throw some weights on the barbell or jump on a treadmill. For the readers of athomefitness.com, here are five food and drink...