Part I of winter Fitness tips gave some important ideas on the right way to dress in the cold. Today, it’s time to point out keys on how to enjoy a better, safer winter fitness experience outdoors with some more tips. Drink plenty of liquids - Just...

Just because freezing weather and snow are upon is in many parts of the country doesn’t mean people have to move all their fitness inside. Winter is a beautiful, exhilarating time of year to get outside for fresh air and exercise. If you play it smart,...

Staying fit is much more of a marathon than a sprint. It takes making good choices over a long period of time, rather than getting in a few good workouts here and there. Studies gave shown that even exercising just 30 minutes a day three times...

We are now midway through the first week of 2012. Hopefully your holiday hangovers and eating binges are a thing of the past … and you’re focusing on ways to improve in the New Year. If you already set a New Year’s Resolution that’s great. If you didn’t,...

Did you set a New Year’s Resolution? If so you have lots of company. Statistics show that around 67 percent of people in the U.S. make a New Year’s Resolution and a great many of those involve people wanting to get more fit and/or making changes...

The awards season will start early for one of the products carried by Arizona specialty fitness giant At Home Fitness. Drum roll please … congratulations to Octane Fitness and its Octane Q37ci Elliptical, which has just been ranked as the No. 1 overall best buy elliptical...

This week between Christmas Day and New Year’s Day is the time when countless people set a New Year’s Resolution for themselves. Statistics show that as many as two-thirds of us make a New Year’s Resolution, but unfortunately only around 5 percent actually carry them out...

If you’re short on time, or can’t get to a gym, your fitness level doesn’t have to suffer. Here are 10 ways to get a fast, efficient workout away from the gym: * Exercise band - Attach your exercise band to a door or wall and...

Are you or someone close you you looking to get stronger in 2012. If so, an A-list Christmas gift you should consider is a home gym machine. What could be a better way to ensure that you’ll exercise than to have the convenience of owning your own...